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Pain Management

  1. Low Back Pain:

    Lumbar Vertebrae related disorders and its complications.
    We have sure shot Panchakarma modulations for Pain management and cure this
    conditions ( Span of Treatment- 10 to 14 days ).

  2. Neck Pain:

    Cervical Vertebrae related disorders and its complications.
    The answer is Panchakarma, Yoga, Diet included module. (Span of Treatment – 10
    to 14 days ).

  3. Frozen Shoulders/Tennis Elbow/ Heel Pain:
    Time tested Ayurveda Treatment modules are available for these all types of
    Medical conditions. ( Span of Treatment – 7 to 10 days ).
  4. Migraine:
    There is sky Rocketing incidents of Migraine in the population.
    The present days of life style, work conditions, Social pressures.
    Present Migraine and its complications, Ayurveda approach this disease with
    Panchakarma Techniques ( Span of Treatment – 7 to 10 days).
  5. Knee Pain: ( Osteoarthritis – OA).
    In the case of Knee pain , Patient have multiple option from OTC product to Knee
    replacement today. Ayurveda care with specific Ayurveda Chikilsa reduces the Knee
    problem and avoid complications. Specialised“Herbal Concoctions” and Therapies
    are the sure shot of this Disease..( Span of Treatment- 10 to 14 days ).